Invited Faculty
  • Yuqing Zhang
    Massachusetts General Hosp.
  • I am an epidemiologist focusing on epidemiology of rheumatic disease research using epidemiologic and statistical methods. Currently, I am a Professor of Medicine in Residence at the Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. My research work is mainly funded by the NIH and foundations. I am a leading investigator in osteoarthritis and gout research. My research interests focus on epidemiology of osteoarthritis and gout as well as pharmacoepidemiology in rheumatology.
    Research & Clinical Focus




  • Date Time Room Session Title Lecture Title
    May 21 11:00-11:30 Room A [International Symposium] Treatment of Osteoarthritis: To be Used and Abused? Addicted to prescription, medical abuse of osteoarthritis