Invited Faculty
  • Yeong-Wook Song
    Song Rheumatology Clinic
  • Yeong-Wook Song is Professor Emeritus, Department of Internal Medicine at the Seoul National University, College of Medicine, where he has been since 1988. Dr. Song received his medical degree from Seoul National University College of Medicine in 1980. His fellowship training in rheumatology was at University of California Los Angeles in US during 1990-1992. He was authored over 250 articles published in peer-reviewed journals. He is a former President of East Asian Group of Rheumatology, and a Chairman of the Board, Korean College Rheumatology. He served as a vice president of APLAR. Dr. Song’s research interest is on the genetics, pathogenesis and biomarkers of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and myositis. Current research is targeting alpha- enolase in rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis
  • Date Time Room Session Title Lecture Title
    May 19 13:35-14:00 Room A, B, C, [Special Lecture] Presidential Plenary Session Past, present and future of rheumatology in Korea