Invited Faculty
  • Sang-Heon Lee
    Konkuk Univ.
  • Professor Sang-Heon Lee is currently served as a President of Korean College of Rheumatology (KCR). He works as a chairman of internal medicine at Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. He graduated in 1988 from the Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine. Professor Lee completed his rheumatology training in Seoul St. Mary’s hospital, followed by postdoctoral research training at University of California, San Diego (Dr. Firestein’s lab). He has research interests in basic research on synovial fibroblast and osteoclast biology in the pathogenesis of RA, as well as clinical science of axial spondyloarthritis and SLE new drug clinical trial. He is currently in charge of Chair of Scientific Committee of APLAR , and has served as a consultant for the planning of all academic activities of rheumatology in Asia-Pacific region. Also He has served as an associated editor of International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, offiical journal of APLAR for 5 years
    Professor Lee is also involved in drug regulatory work at nation and national levels as Chair of rheumatology division in Korean Human Insurance of Reimbursement Agency and is a member of Drug Advisory Committee in Korean FDA.
    He published 2nd edition of Korean Textbook of Rheumatology as a role of editor-in-chief.
    He is passionate about improving the outcomes of patients with musculoskeletal disease by improving education, training and research of KCR members.
    Research & Clinical Focus

    rheumatoid arthritis

    synovial fibroblast


  • Date Time Room Session Title Lecture Title
    May 19 13:10-13:35 Room A, B, C, [Special Lecture] Presidential Plenary Session Changing role of rheumatologist in Korea