Speaker's File Submission
Speaker’s File Submission
This section is for the invited speakers of KCR 2022 to upload lecture manuscript, CV, biography, presentation file and photo.
Important Dates
Lecture manuscript, CV, biography and photo Submission Deadline April 8(Fri), 2022
Presentation file Submission Deadline April 22(Fri), 2022
How to submit the files
    If this is your first time submitting the files,
    please click ‘File Submission’ button.
    파일을 처음 제출하시는 경우,
    아래 ‘File Submission’ 버튼을 눌러주세요.
    File Submission
    If you would like to change or update the files previously submitted, please click ‘File Modification’ button.
    기존에 제출하신 파일을 수정하시거나 재업로드 하실 경우,
    아래 ‘File Modification’ 버튼을 눌러주세요.
    File Modification

Submitted files will be sent to the chairs of each session so please complete the submission before the deadline.

If you cannot attach the file due to the large file size or have any questions, please contact the KCR 2022 Secretariat.
(T. +82-2-6263-2060, E. info@kcr2022.com)