Abstract Submission
Submission Guideline
  • Submission Guideline
  • Presentation Guideline
  • Online Submission
  • Late-breaking Abstract Submission
  • Grant & Awards
Submission Guideline
Please check the submitted abstract at "My Page"
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline February 18(Fri), 2022
Late-breaking Abstract Submission Deadline February 21(Mon) – March 21(Mon), 2022
Notification of Acceptance March 31(Thu), 2022

All interested individuals can submit scientific abstract for KCR 2022 and note that all abstracts must be submitted via online submission system.

Faxed or emailed abstract will not be accepted.

Abstract submission does not mean you are registered for the congress, so please make sure that you register through the website during the registration period.

Please read Late-breaking Abstracts Information and the guidelines below carefully before submitting a Late-breaking Abstract.

General Instructions

The corresponding author must complete a disclosure form for potential conflict of interest. A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or author's institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships or affiliations that could influence (or bias) the author's decisions, work, or abstract. The ICMJE Uniform Disclosure Form for Potential Conflict of Interest (www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest/) will be used. Your submission will not be considered final until disclosure information is complete.

The ICMJE recommendations are a set of guidelines produced by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors for standardising the ethics, preparation and formatting of manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals for publication. Compliance with the ICMJE recommendations is required by most leading biomedical journals.

Guidelines for Submission
Language English Only
Presentation Type 1) Original Article(Oral or Poster)
2) Case Report(Poster Only)
Title Only the first letter of the title starts with a capital letter, except the proper nouns.
Original Article – Oral or Poster
Background – Methods – Results - Conclusion
Case Report – Poster only
Case Description - Conclusion
Length Title : Up to 30 words
Body : Up to 300 words
Figure & Table Only 1 figure & table file is allowed.
* No more than 1 picture, table, graph, or figure should be included in a file.
Keywords Up to three keywords
Funding Source (Optional) If you have any funding source to disclose, Please state it in ‘Funding Source’ section.
Modification Available until the deadline of the abstract submission at My Page.
Topic Categories
1 Cytokines and mediators 11 Sjögren's syndrome
2 Osteoarthritis and biology of bone and joint 12 Spondyloarthropathies and psoriatic arthritis
3 RA-pathogenesis and animal model 13 Behcet's disease & Vasculitis
4 RA-clinical aspects 14 Osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases
5 RA-treatment 15 Fibromyalgia and soft tissue disorders
6 SLE-pathogenesis and animal model 16 Crystal induced arthropathies
7 SLE-clinical aspects, APS 17 Pediatric rheumatology
8 SLE-treatment 18 Orthopedics & Rehabilitation
9 Systemic sclerosis and Raynaud's phenomenon 19 Epidemiology & Public health
10 Idiopathic inflammatory myositis and muscle biology 20 Miscellaneous rheumatic and inflammatory diseases
Abstract Review & Notification of Result

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Academic Affairs Committee according to the review process.

Notification of acceptance will be informed by e-mail to the first author and the corresponding author.

Abstract presenter should inform KCR 2022 Secretariat regarding their attendance confirmation.

* If you do not attend the meeting without noticing organizer in advance, there will be disadvantages in participating in the future KCR meetings.

The topic category of your abstract can be changed after the review of the Academic Affairs Committee and the presentation type (oral or poster) will be notified to the first author and the corresponding author no lather than March 31(Thu), 2022. Case reports will be presented by poster only.

Withdrawal Policy

If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please fill out the “Withdrawal Request Form” and send an e-mail to the KCR 2022 Secretariat as soon as possible.

If the presenter of the accepted abstract does not register by the deadline for Pre-Registration, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.