Abstract Submission
Grant & Awards
  • Submission Guideline
  • Presentation Guideline
  • Online Submission
  • Late-breaking Abstract Submission
  • Grant & Awards
Grant & Awards

International Participants

Korean Participants

Online Travel Grant (International participants only)
KCR 2022 offers Online Travel Grant to eligible international applicants who present an abstract. You may apply for the Online Travel Grant when you submit the abstract.
Eligibility Cash Prize Additional Benefit
- Scientists or Medical Doctors
- Who is not Korean and does not currently reside in Korea
- Abstract presenter(Online presentation only)
USD 500 Complimentary registration

Please be noted that the Online Travel Grant will be awarded only once per presenter, regardless of the number of accepted abstracts.

If a presenter does not present the abstract or upload the presentation files, the Online Travel Grant will be canceled.

Since KCR 2022 is going to be virtual for all the international presenters, the amount of Travel Grant will be USD 500, all equally applied.

International Scholarship for Young Rheumatologist
The scholarship will be awarded to the international presenters under the age of 45, with the abstracts selected as most outstanding. You may apply for the scholarship when you submit the abstract.
Eligibility Cash Prize Additional Benefit
- Researchers with the age of under 45 by the date of the presentation
- Who is not Korean and does not currently reside in Korea
- Abstract presenter(Online presentation only)
USD 500 Complimentary registration

If a presenter does not present the abstract or upload the presentation files, the International Scholarship will be canceled.

Since KCR 2022 is going to be virtual for all the international presenters, the amount of International Scholarship will be USD 500, all equally applied.

※ You may not apply for the Online Travel Grant and International Scholarship for Young Rheumatologist at the same time. Please consider your eligibility closely before you make the application.